How To Know If Crack In Drywall Is Serious?

Drywall cracks are among the most common problems that probably every homeowner faces at least once in a while. This problem is sometimes alarming while sometimes it just needs a quick fix. For a homeowner, it’s crucial to know how to identify whether a crack in drywall is serious or not so that further they can take the necessary steps to treat it. This article is all about this topic so let’s get started.

The drywall cracks that are wider than 3mm (1/8 inch) are supposed to be taken seriously as they indicate structural or foundation issues. Such cracks are usually horizontal, vertical, and diagonal in shape. The long & wide cracks near doorways and windows that extend with time are also alarming.

As you move further in this article, you’ll get to know the answers to the other related queries. So stick around till the end.

Do Drywall Cracks Mean Foundation Problems?

The answer is yes but not in all cases. If you see a crack in your drywall, that doesn’t always mean that there’s any foundation-related problem because there are so many causes of drywall cracks.

If you can see a long and wide crack that is around 3mm wide or more and is located near the bottom or above the foundation of the drywall, it’s more likely to be a foundation-related problem. Similarly, if you can spot a long crack that is vertical or horizontal in shape and has its one end meeting with the frame of the door or window, it also indicates a foundation problem as it usually happens due to shifting in the foundation.

If you find any such crack in your drywall about which we talked right above and you want to confirm whether the crack happened due to a foundation-related problem or not, what you can do is closely monitor the crack for a few days. If you find even a subtle change in the crack, it means some foundation-related problem is going on which needs an immediate inspection by a professional.

How Do You Determine Whether A Drywall Crack Is Serious Or Not?

Following are the 5 signs that indicate that a drywall crack is serious:

Width of the Crack

As discussed earlier, if a crack is wider than 3mm, it means it’s serious. Using a tape measure, you can easily measure the width of the crack.

The Pattern of the Crack

If the crack is horizontal or vertical in shape, it is associated with the foundation movement. Such cracks can be seen in a diagonal shape as well and are serious.

Location of the Crack

The location of a crack also tells a lot about its nature. If you can locate a long and wide crack right above the foundation, it indicates settling or shifting in the foundation of the home which can be dangerous in the future if you don’t seek the help of a professional.


The moisture also leads to the cracking of drywall. If the area around a crack is moist or feels shaggy, it means that the crack has happened due to the exposure of drywall to the moisture for a long time. Check around the affected area for leakage and if you find one, get it fixed.

The cracks that happen due to moisture are also serious because people usually fill the crack with joint compound but they don’t fix the real problem which is the leakage. Persistent leakage weakens the foundation of the drywall and thus makes it susceptible to cracks. The moisture also encourages mold growth which leads to some serious health issues.

Change in Crack

If you see a crack that is gradually growing, it indicates slow movements occurring in the foundation which means that the crack is serious. In such cases, an immediate inspection from a professional home inspector is required to understand the severity of the case.

So these are the 5 signs indicating that a crack in your drywall is alarming. In case of a serious crack, it’s recommended to seek the help of a professional as they have expertise in inspecting such problems in-depth and further figuring out the way to fix them.

What Causes Serious Drywall Cracks And How To Fix Them?

Serious drywall cracks occur due to 3 main reasons: Foundation settling/shifting, Leakage/water damage, and improper drywall installation. There’s no way you can prevent the foundation settling/shifting and leakage from happening but you can have them fixed.

Meanwhile, if you talk about improper installation of the drywall, you can prevent it by hiring professionals to install the drywall or installing it yourself in the first place with the help of the right guide. Many homeowners compromise with drywall installation and later face its repercussions which often leads them to pay well for its fix.

Talking about the other two reasons which are foundation settling or shifting and leakage, you’ll need to hire professionals to get it fixed as they have certain tools and techniques using which they get the job done effectively in no time.

Now if you talk about how to fix the crack, it’s very simple. But before you move to fix the crack, you must fix the root cause first which could be any of the three reasons that we have discussed above so that you won’t have to deal with a crack in your drywall again in the future.

As most of the cracks in drywalls look like a hairline, I’ve prepared a comprehensive guide on how to fix a hairline crack in drywall which is the only guide you need to deal with this problem.


A drywall crack is a problem that every homeowner faces at least once in their lifetime. There are many underlying causes behind this problem but the three main causes are shifting or settling of the foundation, leakage or moisture damage, and poor installation of the drywall. Any crack in your drywall that is wider than 3mm is alarming as it indicates an underlying issue. Fixing the root cause is considered important before fixing the crack so that the crack won’t come back.

So this was all about how you find out whether the crack in your drywall is serious or not and I hope this post has helped you with your problem. Good day!

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