Is It Easier To Repair Or Replace Drywall?

a professional installing drywall

One of the questions that homeowners commonly ask is whether it is easier to repair or replace drywall and in most cases, they seek the answer to this question when they come up with any problem with their drywall. Repairing and replacing are two different things and a homeowner must know which one is required …

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What Is The Importance Of Primer For Drywall?

man applying primer on drywall

In the world of drywall, one thing that plays a crucial role in achieving a flawless finish is a primer. This material is often underestimated and those who don’t make use of it end up getting a very ordinary-looking drywall. Since you’re here to know the importance of primer for drywall, I assure you that …

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What Color Paint Hides Drywall Imperfections?

man hiding drywall imperfections with paint

Having a perfect-looking drywall is what every homeowner desires and this desire cannot be fulfilled without the perfect finishing. Picking the right color paint is indeed essential when it comes to hiding the drywall imperfections but it’s also crucial to follow other procedures as well that aid in getting a perfect finish. Let’s know the …

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How Long Does Drywall Mud Last After Opening?

drywall mud stored in a bucket

You bought a bucket of drywall mud from the market, used it for your purpose, and ended up with half of the bucket left unused. Now, since the shopkeeper isn’t going to take the remaining portion back, the only option you have is to store it. But, do you know how long does drywall mud …

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