Why Does My Drywall Anchor Keep Spinning & How To Fix It

We often need to insert a screw into the drywall to hang something from it. Many people insert the screw/pin straight into the drywall with a hammer which affects the drywall. Inserting an anchor into the drywall first and then putting the screw in it is how it’s done and as your question is why does my drywall anchor keep spinning, I’m sure you followed all the steps but this time your anchor is spinning.

The reason why your drywall anchor keeps spinning is because the hole in which the anchor is fitted is too big. If the hole is bigger than the area of the anchor, the anchor would not be stable in its position and the screw would come off if something is hanging from it.

As you move further in this article, you’ll come to know the answer to your query in detail. You’ll also know the other things related to your query which is very helpful.

Why Are Drywall Anchors Important?

A drywall anchor provides additional reinforcement to the screws so that the screw doesn’t slip out of the drywall when something is hanging on it. Screws are not designed for the walls such as drywall and paneling so you need to first put the anchors into the drywall and then put the screw/nail in it.

Although a drywall anchor isn’t necessary, using it ensures that the screw won’t come out in case of something heavy is hanging on it. So basically, it’s an important thing to use when need to put a screw in your drywall for hanging purposes.

Why Does My Drywall Anchor Keep Spinning?

The drywall anchor basically keeps spinning when the hole in which it is inserted is too big. The hole should be a bit less wide than the size of the anchor so that the anchor is tightly fitted into the drywall and leaves no room for any spinning movement.

Hanging a very heavy object from your drywall can cause the anchor to get loose over time, which also results in its spinning. It’s okay to hang a light object from your drywall when you’re using a small size anchor and screw, but if you have something heavy to hang, it’s recommended to use heavy-duty anchors and screws that are comparatively larger in size.

Also make sure that you don’t hang something heavier on your drywall than its recommended capacity as it may make the joints weak and prone to displacement, causing the asymmetry of the drywall surface.

How Do I Fix Spinning Anchor In My Drywall?

Here is how you fix this problem in 4 simple steps-

Remove the Anchor

The first thing you have to do is pull the anchor out that is spinning. If the anchor isn’t completely pushed in the drywall, remove it using tweezers or any tool that you think can help pull it out. If you can’t have a good grip to pull the anchor out, cut the edge of the hole using a utility knife to make the hole bigger, and then try to pull it out using the tool you have. It should work.

Now, if the anchor is still stuck in the drywall which doesn’t really happen after you’ve put in all the efforts discussed above, you need to do the following things:

Push it back

Yes. If you’re tired of constantly putting effort into getting that tiny thing out, instead push it back in the drywall as far as you can. You can use a screwdriver and hammer to push the anchor back in the drywall but make sure you don’t go too hard with it.

Patch the Hole

Whether you could pull the anchor out or end up pushing it back, you have to patch the ugly hole now. Fill up the hole with the joint compound and then flatten the surface using a putty knife.

Find a New Spot

Now if you really need to put a screw in your drywall, find a new spot surrounding the patched area to drill a new hole. Make sure you don’t drill the seam or a repaired area otherwise, it could turn out to be a mess for you to deal with. This time, make sure to not drill a bigger hole than your anchor.

Also if you had pulled the anchor out of the drywall, don’t use it again as it would’ve become disfigured. Use a new one of good quality.

So, this was all about how you fix a spinning anchor in your drywall. This whole process might seem time taking but it actually doesn’t take more than a few minutes.

How Do I Prevent The Drywall Anchor From Spinning?

It’s better to prevent your drywall anchor from spinning in the first place than to fix it. In order to prevent it, you should do the following things-

Find the right spot

Choosing the right spot to drill a hole is crucial. While picking a spot to drill a hole, you must ensure that there’s no seam or previously affected area behind the spot you have picked to drill over. This will help you get a good spot for smooth drilling.

Drill a proper hole

By drilling a proper hole, I mean using the right type of drilling tool to make a hole that is equivalent to the area of the anchor so that the anchor fits inside the hole perfectly.

Use a good-quality anchor

Using a good quality drywall anchor is always preferred as it works as the foundation for the screw we put inside it. A bad-quality anchor could become disfigured during the process of installing it so it’s advised to use a good-quality one that stays intact in its position.

So these are the things you can do to prevent the drywall anchor from spinning in the first place. The chances of anchor spinning in the drywall would be reduced by a huge percentage if you follow the above things as mentioned.


The drywall anchor spins when the hole in which the anchor is put is bigger than its size. Drilling a hole that is smaller or equivalent to the size of the anchor is the only way to prevent this problem in the first place. If the hole has got bigger and now the anchor is spinning, then the only way to fix it is to remove or push the anchor back and then fill the hole with joint compound.

So this was all about your question “Why does my drywall anchor keep spinning”, and I hope you have found the answer to this question. Have a great day ahead!

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