What Type Of Drywall Should You Use For Ceiling?

When it comes to installing drywall on the ceiling, people come across many different questions, and one such question that is asked a lot is what type of drywall should you use for the ceiling? Since you’re here to know the answer to this question, I believe you’re planning to drywall your home or a room but you’re not sure what type of drywall would be suitable for your needs so without further delay, let us know the answer to this question.

There are several types of drywall such as standard drywall, moisture-resistant drywall, fire-resistant drywall, etc. available in the market that you can use for ceilings. The standard drywall of 4’×8′ with a thickness of 1/2″ or 5/8″ is what you can use if you want something affordable and best.

Further in this article, I’ve explained the answer to your main query and other related queries in detail so stick around till the end.

What Type Of Drywall Is Used For Ceiling?

If you have been into drywall-related stuff for a while, you would know that there are different types of drywalls available in the markets. These drywalls have different levels of thickness and are specialized to withstand different conditions.

If you’re looking to drywall the ceiling of a common room, the one that is highly recommended to use is standard drywall. The standard drywall is the most commonly used drywall for the ceiling which is suitable for most residential applications. It is also quite affordable and long lasting which is the reason why homeowners prefer it over any other type of drywall.

This type of drywall comes with 2 thickness options: 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch, and you can go with either of them as they both are pretty much the same. However, if you ask me then as an expert, I’d recommend going for the one with 5/8 inches of thickness as it is slightly better and thicker than the one with 1/2 inches of thickness.

Now, when it comes to installing drywall in the bathroom ceiling, you need to go for the type of drywall that can withstand excessive moisture because the bathroom has higher levels of moisture as compared to the other rooms. The type of drywall that works the best for bathrooms is Moisture-Resistant drywall which is often called Greenboard.

The Greenboard is designed to withstand high levels of humidity. It comes with a green cover which makes it repel more moisture than other types of drywall. It also prevents mold growth which is another reason why it is the most suitable option for bathroom ceilings.

Is Ceiling Drywall Any Different From Wall Drywall?

No, the ceiling drywall and wall drywall are no different from each other. You can use the drywall of your choice for both the ceiling and the wall. The drywalls come in different thickness levels used for different purposes and often time people choose to go with a thicker drywall for the ceiling for better stability and resistance against sagginess.

What Should Be The Thickness Of The Ceiling Drywall?

As discussed, drywall comes with different thicknesses and when it comes to the standard drywall about which we have talked earlier, it usually comes in 4 thickness levels which are 1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, and 5/8 inch. Out of these 4, the ones that are highly recommended for ceilings are 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch as they both are thicker than the other two. Whether you’re looking to drywall the ceiling in a residential or a commercial premise, you can go with either of them as they both work well.

Now, when it comes to choosing between 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch thickness, I’d suggest going with 5/8 inch. The reason why I and many drywall experts recommend using a 5/8 inch thick drywall over the one with 1/2 inch is because a thicker drywall promotes better structural stability, ensures protection against sagginess, and controls the sound waves from passing through which aids in noise reduction.

In addition to that, a thicker drywall provides better protection against fire resistance as in many areas and buildings a specific code of compliance is followed under which it is mandatory to use a thicker drywall or a higher fire-rated material to ensure compliance with regulations and safety.

If you want to use any other type of drywall for your ceiling instead of standard drywall, you can use it. Just make sure whatever type you’re going with, it should either be 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch thick.


The drywall comes in different types and has different properties. The one that is highly recommended for the ceilings is standard drywall which is not only very affordable but also works best for all types of rooms except the bathroom. The standard drywall comes in 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch thickness and you can pick any of them at your convenience. You may use any drywall type of your choice of the same thickness as recommended.

So this was all about what type of drywall you should use for the ceiling and I hope you’ve found this article helpful. If you have a query, feel free to drop it in the comments below.

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