Is It Necessary To Prime Drywall Before Painting?

People have lots of questions when they aren’t experts in something but try to do it which is good sometimes because this is how we learn and get better at something. Like that, there are several questions people have when they drywall their home and one such question is “Is it necessary to prime drywall before painting”?

It’s not necessary to prime drywall before painting but it’s crucial if you want an even and perfect-looking drywall because primer seals the drywall pores and hides the imperfections, providing a smooth surface for painting. It also makes the paint last longer and saves you money on it.

Well, as it’s a legit question to ask, I’ve answered it in this article in detail along with other important questions related to it so stick around till the end.

What Are The Benefits Of Primer For Your Drywall?

Here are the top benefits as follows-

Covers Surface Imperfections

Primer comes with a soft texture and when it’s applied on the drywall surface, it covers the little imperfections and roughness and turns the whole surface into a smooth one.

Painting over the drywall with imperfections can result in a bad paint job even if you apply multiple layers but when you apply the primer first, you get a cleaner, smoother, and more even surface which is ready to be finished with painting and the end result you get is just perfect.

Adheres Better to Paint

Painting is one of the most important steps of drywall finishing and it should be done correctly in order to have well-finished as well as nice-looking drywall. The primer comes with such properties that allow it to adhere to the paint better and that way the paint doesn’t look uneven or faded.

Boosts Paint’s Life

A good-quality paint is costly and when you apply it on your wall or drywall surface, you expect it to last for a long time. It cannot be assured that your paint will last for longer if you apply it on a bare drywall surface because the changing temperature of the room may cause the paint to peel off or form bubbles after a while.

But, if you apply a good quality primer coating before painting, you won’t have to worry about the paint because the strong adhesive property of the primer will keep the paint preserved and in good condition for a very long time despite the changing of the surrounding temperature.

Saves You Money

A good quality primer costs way less than a good quality paint so if you apply the paint over the bare drywall, you’ll need to apply multiple layers of it to hide the imperfections and seal the pores, and for all that, you’ll need more paint.

On the other hand, if you apply the primer first which is inexpensive, you’ll only need to apply one layer of paint and in some cases two because the primer has already covered the surface flaws. So, as the requirement of the paint is low in this case, you won’t have to spend much on paint which will ultimately save you some bucks.

So here we discussed the top benefits of priming drywall before painting. Next, I’ve answered whether or not it is necessary to prime drywall before painting in detail which is quite the same as the benefits that we’ve discussed above.

Is It Necessary To Prime Drywall Before Painting?

No. Applying primer on your drywall before painting isn’t necessary but if you’re looking to have a perfect drywall that gets you praises from your friends and neighbors, then you should think of priming your drywall before coating it with your favorite paint.

A good-quality Primer basically makes the drywall surface look smoother and more even along with hiding the stains and other imperfections that way, it creates room for a great paint job as the paint adheres to it even better, resulting in a well-finished and even drywall surface.

Another reason to prime your drywall is that primer increases the life of the paint as it comes with a strong adhesive quality which prevents the paint from peeling off.

In addition, when you prime your drywall before painting, you don’t require putting multiple layers of the paint over it as you do in the case of the bare drywall because the pores of the drywall already get blocked with the primer.

That way, you only require applying 1 and in some cases, 2 layers of the paint over the drywall which saves you money on paint because you don’t need to apply multiple layers of the paint and the primer will also cost you cheaper than the paint.

Finishing your drywall isn’t something that you do every day. You just need to do it one time and then leave it for years, so why not do it the right way? Priming your drywall might seem effortful or unnecessary but it’s not. It’s an essential step and shouldn’t be skipped if you want a perfect-looking drywall.

What You Can Apply On Your Drywall In The Place Of Primer?

Primer is a chemical substance that comes with certain properties which is why it’s advised to apply it on your drywall before painting. There’s no such substance that is as effective as the primer but if you ask about something that works quite the same as a primer, then the answer will be Flat Latex Paint which is similar to the primer in many aspects and is also inexpensive.

You can apply the flat latex paint on your drywall just like the primer and then paint over it once it’s dry. Well, it’s highly recommended to use the primer instead of anything else because it has all the properties that are needed and it does the job the best.


Applying primer is an important step during the finishing of the drywall because it has so many benefits. Skipping this step might not get you the end result that you would expect because it plays a huge role in making your drywall look well-finished, smooth, and flawless.

So this was all about your query which goes as is it necessary to prime drywall before painting and I hope you’ve found this article helpful. Have a wonderful day ahead!

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